Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And then there were 4....

Hi Everyone,

Ok, so we are now a family of 4. Yes, Archer Jack Thomas joined us at 7:54pm on Thursday, 22nd May 2008 weighing in at 3.060kg (or 6lb 12) and measuring 51cm long. He was much smaller that we thought he'd be (especially with the Thomas baby sizes), but, in saying that, at discharge he dropped to 2.890kg, and by 1 week old, he was already 110g heavier than his birth weight - so he's obviously not starving in any way!

Jessica is coping extremely well with the change, apart from being ever so slightly obsessed with kissing and cuddling him - but that just means she loves him... lots!

So far, Archie's been a good boy for me, without causing too much grief at all which is very nice, and Jess is being very helpful for me, but we'll see if that sticks after Damien goes back to work!

Well, seems time is in demand at the moment, I'll leave yoy with just a couple of piccies for your viewing pleasure!

Luv Mish!

Friday, February 01, 2008


Well, it would seem as though its' been several months since I last updated this... so here goes the last few months in brief!

The first of the news, is that, well, another baby is on the way! Yes, we're due on 27th May, so, that's pretty exciting! Jess gets to be a big sister, which should be interesting! I'm sure she'll be good though, she's a good little girl for her Mummy & Daddy.

Second, Amelia has joined the family! Yes, Brad & Deb had a little girl this time, back in October, and she's very cute!

Just before Christmas we got our first style cut (thanks Minda!). We got a posh-spice bob, and its' VERY cute! This photo was taken not long after that cut, in the pretty dress that G-Na & Poppi got Jess for Christmas - isn't it cute!

Next, Christmas came along, which was very exciting... Jess was very excited by Christmas Lights and Santa (in pictures only) - we had some issues went we went to visit Santa in person... no different to most other kids though I gather! Therefore, Mummy had to sit in on the photo, and we're not exactly looking our best... so no upload of that one here!

Christmas was very exciting... Santa, Mummy & Daddy spoiled Jess, but that's our job! The standout time wasters are Mr Potato Head, the Dorothy the Dinosaur Tea Set, the new Bike & Trailer, the Elmo DVD, and the Bear in the Big Blue House DVD - winners there! (The fascination with the DVDs is a REAL winner for Mummy!!).

Next up, New Years - very eventful... bed by 10, up by 6 - so that saw in 2008 on a great note! New Years certainly changes aspects when you have young kids i've found... why stay up late when you still have to get up early??!!

Then, next up was moving out of the cot, and into a big girls' bed! And, we had success! Since this photo, we have also ditched the dummy... all in preparation for a new baby to arrive, and Jessica to be known as the Big Girl with plenty of time to spare so we help to minimise the 'jealosy issues' that we have read up about!

Then, Australia Day, which was fun. We went to the Plantation (local pool complex) for the morning - Jess has become quite the waterhog - to the point we're it's exciting to wear our floaties around the house! (even whilst brushing our teeth). We love swimming, jumping into the water, and going on the water slides - from the minute the water is entered, she looks like a drowned rat, but that's when its' fun!

Then, that afternoon we bought ourselves a present - a new TV (LG 32" LCD), which was very exciting, as I could then successfully watch the Australian Open final and be able to see the ball on the screen! It also makes for the playing of the Wii a little better, as when the split screen is up, it makes each side about as big as our old TV used to be in total. It also makes for giant Elmo and giant Bear when Jess watches her DVDs, which is very exciting for her!

From that point on, its' been the same kinda stuff... playing with Jess, hitting the shops, keeping the house 'habitable', and working! All the good stuff!

So, hopefully it won't be as long between drinks as this last entry, but the possibility is most definately there!

So, catch up soon!

Luv Mish

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And we're off and racing...

Its' been a while, yes... but, you certainly couldn't say its' because I just couldn't be bothered... more, just haven't had time!

And, we're 1!

So, alot has happened, Jessica has turned 1 in a blaze of glory, by well and truly walking around! No more stumble...stumble...fall for this house, no no! Now we're looking behind ourself, walking backwards, picking things up whilst walking, standing ourself up - all this happened pretty much the week before she turned 1. It was stumble...stumble...fall up until then.

And, yes, we did look beautiful at our party in our pretty frock and red shoes didn't we!

Jess was spoiled with lots of lovely gifts from her friends and family, too many to mention here! And, I might add, she certainly seems to love them all!

Next up!

We can also welcome little Henri into the world - congratulations Minda & Jimmy - she is certainly a little cutie! And, a long time comming, which just made her entrance even more anticipated!

And some piccies...

To save having to read gazzillions of stuff about pictures, i'll just put up the pictures that have pretty much been a summation of what's been going on lately!

Jessica's First EKKA Experience - giving the poor animal an unwanted eye examination...

Cousin Zane - now THAT is a cheesy grin!

Jessica very excited by her bargain Unicorn! Isn't it cute?!


Our first piggy-tails... aren't they cute! I know Roz, pink stipey dress and piggy-tails with dingle-dangles... but who could resist??!!

Well, that's it for now, all be good now, y'hear!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Times are a changing

Once again, its' been far too long!

So, here it stands in brief:

  • Jessica is now 9 kilos (whe're getting there!)
  • We have hit the crawling stage
  • Jessica has made her first few steps on her walker! Although, as I'm the 'catcher', I haven't yet had the opportunity to piccy this yet!
  • Jess has also been pulling herself up to the furniture, and started making her way around things
  • Toothy grin Jess has now got 7 teeth (I think the 8th may be on its' way soon... lots of drool...)
  • My first Mothers' Day! That was nice! Got some photos of all the kids with Grandma, but, as Na was in Malaysia, didn't get any photos of my side.

    Well, apart from that, it's been all happy families of late!

    I've got some new pictures below, though, so I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as we've enjoyed being witness to them happening!

    This is Grandma and all the grandkids on the Thomas side. Any family resemblance?

    One day she might find her dolly!

    Yes, we are a bit of a music nut! Jess is a bit of an Elton (or, a Ben Folds perhaps?) when it comes to her piano - she bops and sings - certainly the best toy investment made to date! Although, its' music is, I admit, starting to get somewhat repetitive...

    I know, but how could someone resist such a cute hat?!

    When it comes to cute piccies, I just had to put this one in! Jess has a new black furry coat, which we wore when we went walking the other afternoon - it was a bit on the chilly side, so at least there was an excuse for her to weat it!

    Well, hope you enjoyed, and, once again, catch ya soon!

  • Friday, April 13, 2007

    As time goes by...

    Once again, several weeks have gone by since my last update... well, quite a lot has happened in our lives since then!

    Mostly, Jessica is getting bigger and bigger by the day! Two weeks ago she hit the 8 kilo mark! She has also mastered many new talents, one of which is rolling her way around the house, and the other is sitting - what a clever little girl!

    As for the crawling, well, you could say it many ways, but we'll be clean, and say she 'rocks' a lot, but not with much velocity - in fact, our departure and arrival locations bare a very similar appearance indeed.

    The biggest event lately was Jessica's baptism - which was relatively low-key as for festivities, just immediate family and close friends, but was extremely great. Jess got baptised at our Church, and she looked very cute! She even wore a dress!

    Jess also had fun playing with her great friend Levi, I missed the photo opportunity of them holding hands, and managed instead to just photograph the 'attack'!

    And, of course, Jessica's first Easter! And, she managed to get a whole heap of chocolate, which is very unfortunate, because its' just going to have to be consumed by Mummy & Daddy! The Easter Bunny, did; however, leave a Hello Kitty breakfast set for Jess to enjoy! Jess also had her very first Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race experience! Of course, that's a family tradition that will live on through the generations, and she had fun!

    Well, I'll leave you with some photos of our latest flavour, and hope you enjoy!
    I'll try and remember to blog a little more frequently, too!

    Friday, January 12, 2007

    Christmas & Beyond...

    Hi There!

    I hope all had a good Christmas and New Year! Our Christmas was quite exciting, as it was, of course, Jess's first Christmas! I had much fun opening presents on her behalf, and see seemed to quite enjoy what was delivered for her under the tree!

    Firstly, we opened all our Christmas presents at home, then we packed up and went to Na and Dju's for some more festivities... where we got to see Brielle's very special Christmas present, of a Dorothy the Dinosaur Tutu, which I must add, is extremely cute!

    Well, we also had lots of fun throughout the Christmas/ New Year period, which involved Dadddy being a bit of a twit too... don't worry, Jess obviously thought it was pretty funny too!

    Well, the new year for Damien's family began with a bit of a sad start; and we pray the the year gets much better for them all.

    Well, all the best for 2007!

    Lots of love,
    Mish & Damo

    Thursday, December 21, 2006

    Parties Galore!

    Hi There,

    Well, since my last blog (which was a little while ago now), we have attended a few parties. The first being Harry's Pirate Party for his 1st birthday! I haven't got many photos of it, so the best thing would be to see Brad & Deb's new blog (the link is on the right). I just have two photos that I needed to share with you... the first is of Pirate Scary Pop, and the second is of the birthday boy obviously quite chuffed by all his pirate looty.

    The photo below is of Jess wearing Daddy's Pirate Hat which was taken when we got home... typical of Daddy, forgot to actually take a photo of his daughter wearing her getup... mind you, all it was was a red shirt with a jolly roger and the following slogan "YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF MILK"... well, I thought it was a good effort! Hand-painted too!

    We've also had my work's Kids Christmas Party, which was held at the Chermside Aquatic Center - this saw Jess have a great time in the pool! We had no tears at all this time, so each venture into the swimming arena is definitely getting more fun!

    Further info... we have had our first giggles since the last post! These were very exciting, and saw Mummy needing to perform all sorts of head-banging manoeuvres in order to gain a reaction (We'll see what damage it caused in later life no doubt...), but at least it worked! Now there's no stopping Jess... full of beans we are... laughing and giggling all the time now - it's very cute! I also managed to catch an action shot, for which I was extremely happy - even if it did cause a crick in the neck!

    We've also just celebrated the Thomas Family Christmas last night (a little early, but it's the even year which means we don't spend Christmas Day with Damien's family, it's my family instead this year). So, we all scooped the pool with goodies, and Jess was overly spoiled... but certainly not complaining. Unfortunately, we left the camera at home, so I have no photos of the celebrations, but Deb is going to put her photos up on their blog, so keep watch to see them! I will be taking photos as the Christmas celebrations continue... there's plenty more to come!

    Well, hope you all have a great Christmas, and I'll post again after the festivities have petered out...

    Love to all,