Well, it would seem as though its' been several months since I last updated this... so here goes the last few months in brief!
The first of the news, is that, well, another baby is on the way! Yes, we're due on 27th May, so, that's pretty exciting! Jess gets to be a big sister, which should be interesting! I'm sure she'll be good though, she's a good little girl for her Mummy & Daddy.
Second, Amelia has joined the family! Yes, Brad & Deb had a little girl this time, back in October, and she's very cute!
Just before Christmas we got our first style cut (thanks Minda!). We got a posh-spice bob, and its' VERY cute! This photo was taken not long after that cut, in the pretty dress that G-Na & Poppi got Jess for Christmas - isn't it cute!

Next, Christmas came along, which was very exciting... Jess was very excited by Christmas Lights and Santa (in pictures only) - we had some issues went we went to visit Santa in person... no different to most other kids though I gather! Therefore, Mummy had to sit in on the photo, and we're not exactly looking our best... so no upload of that one here!
Christmas was very exciting... Santa, Mummy & Daddy spoiled Jess, but that's our job! The standout time wasters are Mr Potato Head, the Dorothy the Dinosaur Tea Set, the new Bike & Trailer, the Elmo DVD, and the Bear in the Big Blue House DVD - winners there! (The fascination with the DVDs is a REAL winner for Mummy!!).

Next up, New Years - very eventful... bed by 10, up by 6 - so that saw in 2008 on a great note! New Years certainly changes aspects when you have young kids i've found... why stay up late when you still have to get up early??!!
Then, next up was moving out of the cot, and into a big girls' bed! And, we had success! Since this photo, we have also ditched the dummy... all in preparation for a new baby to arrive, and Jessica to be known as the Big Girl with plenty of time to spare so we help to minimise the 'jealosy issues' that we have read up about!

Then, Australia Day, which was fun. We went to the Plantation (local pool complex) for the morning - Jess has become quite the waterhog - to the point we're it's exciting to wear our floaties around the house! (even whilst brushing our teeth). We love swimming, jumping into the water, and going on the water slides - from the minute the water is entered, she looks like a drowned rat, but that's when its' fun!

Then, that afternoon we bought ourselves a present - a new TV (LG 32" LCD), which was very exciting, as I could then successfully watch the Australian Open final and be able to see the ball on the screen! It also makes for the playing of the Wii a little better, as when the split screen is up, it makes each side about as big as our old TV used to be in total. It also makes for giant Elmo and giant Bear when Jess watches her DVDs, which is very exciting for her!
From that point on, its' been the same kinda stuff... playing with Jess, hitting the shops, keeping the house 'habitable', and working! All the good stuff!

So, hopefully it won't be as long between drinks as this last entry, but the possibility is most definately there!
So, catch up soon!
Luv Mish