Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dancing with the Stars

No, it's not some pissy link to a dodge TV show - I certainly wouldn't want Darryl Sommers to think he was worth it... It's my nieces!

Well, as "The Good Aunt" and "The Good Uncle", we attended our first Ballet experience at our nieces' end of year concert on Saturday night. What can I say? It was absolutely gorgeous!

And, to top it off, how proud we are of the dancing two - they both took home a trophy for their work! A perpetual one at that! I believe Sam (the girls' mum) told Emma as soon as she was given the trophy that she'll have to give it back next year - I don't think that Emma thought that idea was too crash hot, as she said "I don't want to dance next year - because I don't want to give any trophies back". Ohhh, butter wouldn't melt!

But, both girls were very excited about their awards (as were Mum & Dad, Nana & Pa, Grandma & Pop, and Uncle Damo & Aunty Mish), and proudly posed for the photo below.

Unfortunately, we couldn't get them in their costumes, but, Emma's last outfit was as a 'teddy bear' for here Teddy Bears' Picnic ballet (hence the nose and whiskers), and Sarah's was a very pretty tutu for her ballet.

Well, the girls certainly did clean up, and performed very well, and definately made us very proud of them.

All we can say girls, is "Congratulations", and that we very much look forward to next years dancing as well!

Harrison Thomas - the First Nephew!

Hi All,

Great to be back!

I’ve got some exciting new… I have a nephew! The first boy… and what a cutie! Big lad though! He was born 10 pound, and was 56cm long! Harrison Thomas – destined to be tall (after his mummy and daddy), has already been recruited as an honorary Chicago Bulls player, after his dad (Brad) bought a miniature uniform, and a pair of infant sized Nike Air Jordan boots (and some matching Air Jordan Booties for when he’s not on the court)!

I’ve attached a few photos for your viewing pleasure.

This is what we're dubbing "The Foot" - being approxiamtely 7.5 cm long from heel to toe, we thinks this one might be big!

Well, that's all for the exciting nephew for the moment, except that after 4 neices, It'll be fun to be able to buy boys toys for a change! All those trucks and leggo! It'll be great!

Anyway, Cheers Big Ears!

I've Moved!

Ok, so something weird happened, and our old blog ( seemed to disappear from my management area - and being a bit of a technotrog when it comes to this blogging thing, I just figured, aah well, let's just start again.

Probably something to do with the fact that I was so lasy in updating anything!

Anyway, to start afresh, I've got a bit of gloating to do, so, more posts comming!