Well, since my last blog (which was a little while ago now), we have attended a few parties. The first being Harry's Pirate Party for his 1st birthday! I haven't got many photos of it, so the best thing would be to see Brad & Deb's new blog (the link is on the right). I just have two photos that I needed to share with you... the first is of Pirate Scary Pop, and the second is of the birthday boy obviously quite chuffed by all his pirate looty.
The photo below is of Jess wearing Daddy's Pirate Hat which was taken when we got home... typical of Daddy, forgot to actually take a photo of his daughter wearing her getup... mind you, all it was was a red shirt with a jolly roger and the following slogan "YO HO HO AND A BOTTLE OF MILK"... well, I thought it was a good effort! Hand-painted too!
We've also had my work's Kids Christmas Party, which was held at the Chermside Aquatic Center - this saw Jess have a great time in the pool! We had no tears at all this time, so each venture into the swimming arena is definitely getting more fun!
Further info... we have had our first giggles since the last post! These were very exciting, and saw Mummy needing to perform all sorts of head-banging manoeuvres in order to gain a reaction (We'll see what damage it caused in later life no doubt...), but at least it worked! Now there's no stopping Jess... full of beans we are... laughing and giggling all the time now - it's very cute! I also managed to catch an action shot, for which I was extremely happy - even if it did cause a crick in the neck!
We've also just celebrated the Thomas Family Christmas last night (a little early, but it's the even year which means we don't spend Christmas Day with Damien's family, it's my family instead this year). So, we all scooped the pool with goodies, and Jess was overly spoiled... but certainly not complaining. Unfortunately, we left the camera at home, so I have no photos of the celebrations, but Deb is going to put her photos up on their blog, so keep watch to see them! I will be taking photos as the Christmas celebrations continue... there's plenty more to come!
Well, hope you all have a great Christmas, and I'll post again after the festivities have petered out...
Love to all,