Ok, so a lot has happened in the last few weeks!!!
I'm proud to announce the arrival of our little girl, Jessica Fae Thomas!

Jess was born on the 28th August, 2006 - she shares a birthday with her cousin Emma (at least there's 6 years between them!). Jess was 3.790 kg, and 54cm long - so, she's quite a long little lady!

I can't say how more excited both Dames and I are at the arrival of our gorgeous little bundle, and are chuffed at how cute and good she is - she gives mummy between 7 and 9 hours sleep every night already! What a good girl! (I hope it doesn't stop!)

So, it's nearly feeding time (again), so I'd better go, but enjoy the photos, and i look forward to seeing any comments anyone posts up!

Lots of love,
Mish, Damo & Jess