Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Few Firsts...

Hi Again!

Well, since I last posted, we had our first dip in a pool! Our first taste was in a floaty contraption - not such a big hit...

But, once we were out of that and clinging with dear life to Mummy, it appeared to be not so bad after all!

What a relief for Mummy! Thought we weren't going to like the water for a second there! The shame of it all!!! But, thankfully, we regrouped, and enjoyed our self. Yeah!

We also introduced Jess to LuLu - her dolly. And, as it turns out, LuLu was a big hit - now we just need to get Jess used to associating LuLu with bed time - and not Mummy or Daddy!

We also had our first positive tummy-time experience, where we didn't start crying immediately, and actually gave me time to take a photo! Here's the evidence!

In other news, Rozzie had a boy! Yeah! Levi David John Niven (see their blog for the updates!) - and what a cutie! Exactly 11 weeks younger than Jess - a destined playmate for sure!

Apart from all this exciting news, I really can't think of much else that's been happening, except that (surprise, surprise), the Tinsel Tart has already been at it, and, yes, the Christmas Tree is up and decorated! Now I just need to get Dames motivated to do the lights, and we should be in action! At least this year I've got an excuse for being over-excited about Christmas (even if Jess won't have the foggiest idea about what's happening, and no doubt the wrapping paper will be the most exciting thing)! But anyway, you get that!

Well, 'spose that's all the news for now, so I'll be updating again soon (after Harry's 1st Pirate Party on the weekend... how cute!).

So, in parting fun, I'll leave you with a few choice photos... hope you enjoy!


Me and my LuLu... the best of buddies!

No, really Mum... it was her!

... What can I say... aren't I cute...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All's well!!!

Hi there again!

So, to let you in on what's been going on... parenting! Jess is being very good, she gives us even more sleep now! She goes to bed at around 7:30/8:00, and she wakes up at 5:00 in the morning! What a good little girl to her mummy and daddy!

Jess has become quite the chatterbox with her new found talent of "aahh-ooo" (I tell everyone that she says "hello", because that's what it sounds like) - what a talent she has!

She talks to her elephant, her Mr Bee, and of course, Mummy and Daddy. She also was talking to Na the other day, and Jason (my workmate) got a few chats in on Melbourne Cup Day.

Went in to my work on Melbourne Cup Day for a free feed and to show off the kiddo, and I think she was a bit of a hit. It was great to see everyone, too!

Went and had lunch with Roz & Dan, and Ari of course, (See their blog here) at the Wynnum foreshore on the weekend which was nice (should be any day now Rozzie... I hope!).

Also, in other news, Jess's Big Cousing Harry turned 1 yesterday (Tuesday), but the party is not for a couple of weeks (a pirate party), so when that happens, we'll put up some piccies of that!

In other stuff, I can't really say too much has happened, except that everything has been going really well! Certainly can't complain about parenthood - I love it!

Well, better go now,
Love Mish!