Once again, several weeks have gone by since my last update... well, quite a lot has happened in our lives since then!
Mostly, Jessica is getting bigger and bigger by the day! Two weeks ago she hit the 8 kilo mark! She has also mastered many new talents, one of which is rolling her way around the house, and the other is sitting - what a clever little girl!
As for the crawling, well, you could say it many ways, but we'll be clean, and say she 'rocks' a lot, but not with much velocity - in fact, our departure and arrival locations bare a very similar appearance indeed.
The biggest event lately was Jessica's baptism - which was relatively low-key as for festivities, just immediate family and close friends, but was extremely great. Jess got baptised at our Church, and she looked very cute! She even wore a dress!

Jess also had fun playing with her great friend Levi, I missed the photo opportunity of them holding hands, and managed instead to just photograph the 'attack'!
And, of course, Jessica's first Easter! And, she managed to get a whole heap of chocolate, which is very unfortunate, because its' just going to have to be consumed by Mummy & Daddy! The Easter Bunny, did; however, leave a Hello Kitty breakfast set for Jess to enjoy! Jess also had her very first Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race experience! Of course, that's a family tradition that will live on through the generations, and she had fun!
Well, I'll leave you with some photos of our latest flavour, and hope you enjoy!
I'll try and remember to blog a little more frequently, too!