Once again, its' been far too long!
So, here it stands in brief:
Jessica is now 9 kilos (whe're getting there!)
We have hit the crawling stage
Jessica has made her first few steps on her walker! Although, as I'm the 'catcher', I haven't yet had the opportunity to piccy this yet!
Jess has also been pulling herself up to the furniture, and started making her way around things
Toothy grin Jess has now got 7 teeth (I think the 8th may be on its' way soon... lots of drool...)
My first Mothers' Day! That was nice! Got some photos of all the kids with Grandma, but, as Na was in Malaysia, didn't get any photos of my side.
Well, apart from that, it's been all happy families of late!
I've got some new pictures below, though, so I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as we've enjoyed being witness to them happening!

This is Grandma and all the grandkids on the Thomas side. Any family resemblance?

One day she might find her dolly!

Yes, we are a bit of a music nut! Jess is a bit of an Elton (or, a Ben Folds perhaps?) when it comes to her piano - she bops and sings - certainly the best toy investment made to date! Although, its' music is, I admit, starting to get somewhat repetitive...

I know, but how could someone resist such a cute hat?!

When it comes to cute piccies, I just had to put this one in! Jess has a new black furry coat, which we wore when we went walking the other afternoon - it was a bit on the chilly side, so at least there was an excuse for her to weat it!
Well, hope you enjoyed, and, once again, catch ya soon!