Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Harrison Thomas - the First Nephew!

Hi All,

Great to be back!

I’ve got some exciting new… I have a nephew! The first boy… and what a cutie! Big lad though! He was born 10 pound, and was 56cm long! Harrison Thomas – destined to be tall (after his mummy and daddy), has already been recruited as an honorary Chicago Bulls player, after his dad (Brad) bought a miniature uniform, and a pair of infant sized Nike Air Jordan boots (and some matching Air Jordan Booties for when he’s not on the court)!

I’ve attached a few photos for your viewing pleasure.

This is what we're dubbing "The Foot" - being approxiamtely 7.5 cm long from heel to toe, we thinks this one might be big!

Well, that's all for the exciting nephew for the moment, except that after 4 neices, It'll be fun to be able to buy boys toys for a change! All those trucks and leggo! It'll be great!

Anyway, Cheers Big Ears!

1 comment:

Dan and Roz Niven said...

tee hee hee... yes harry is a big lad. poor little ariana just seems to keep meeting big babies. at least she is a girl and girlies can be smaller!

so more blogs coming soon???
